Python lambdas are little, anonymous functions, subject to a more restrictive but more concise syntax than regular Python functions.
Taken literally, an anonymous function is a function without a name. In Python, an anonymous function is created with the lambda keyword. More loosely, it may or not be assigned a name.
stateless,无状态,处理输入数据的过程中数据不变; -
没有状态就没有伤害 -
并行执行无伤害 -
Copy-Paste 重构代码无伤害 -
first class function(头等函数),因此函数可以像变量一样被创建、修改,并当成变量一样传递、返回,或是在函数中嵌套函数; -
map & reduce,函数式编程最常见的技术就是对一个集合做 Map 和 Reduce 操作。如果是传统过程式语言,需要使用 for/while 循环,并创建临时变量,因此函数式编程在代码上要更容易阅读; -
pipeline(管道),将函数实例成一个一个的 action,然后将一组 action 放到一个数组或是列表中,再把数据传给这个 action list,数据就像一个 pipeline 一样顺序地被各个函数所操作,最终得到我们想要的结果; -
recursing(递归),递归最大的好处就是简化代码,它可以把一个复杂的问题用很简单的代码描述出来。注意:递归的精髓是描述问题,而这正是函数式编程的精髓; -
currying(柯里化),将一个函数的多个参数分解成多个函数, 然后将函数多层封装起来,每层函数都返回一个函数去接收下一个参数,这可以简化函数的多个参数; -
higher order function(高阶函数),所谓高阶函数就是函数当参数,把传入的函数做一个封装,然后返回这个封装函数。现象上就是函数传进传出,就像面向对象满天飞一样。这个技术用来做 Decorator 很不错。
// 非函数式,不是pure funciton,有状态
int cnt;
void increment(){
// 函数式,pure function, 无状态
int increment(int cnt){
return cnt+1;
(1 + 2) * 3 - 4
var a = 1 + 2;
var b = a * 3;
var c = b - 4;
var result = subtract(multiply(add(1,2), 3), 4);
把函数当成变量来用,关注描述问题而不是怎么实现,这样可以让代码更易读; -
lambda arguments: expression
def identity(x):
return x
lambda x: x
关键字,lambda -
变量,bound variable,x -
> import dis
y: x + y > add_lambda = lambda x,
> type(add_lambda)
<class 'function'>
> dis.dis(add_lambda)
1 0 LOAD_FAST 0 (x)
2 LOAD_FAST 1 (y)
> add_lambda
<function <lambda> at 0x00000201B792D0D0>
def add_def(x, y): return x + y >
> type(add_def)
<class 'function'>
> dis.dis(add_def)
1 0 LOAD_FAST 0 (x)
2 LOAD_FAST 1 (y)
> add_def
<function add_def at 0x00000201B7927E18>
x: x / 0 > div_zero = lambda
2) > div_zero(
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <lambda>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
def div_zero(x): return x / 0 >
2) > div_zero(
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 1, in div_zero
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
x: x + 1 > add_one = lambda
2) > add_one(
Another pattern used in other languages like JavaScript is to immediately execute a Python lambda function. This is known as an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE, pronounce “iffy”).
lambda x: x + 1)(2) (
"hello world" > hello = lambda :
> hello()
'hello world'
lambda first, last: f'Full name: {first.title()} {last.title()}' full_name =
'guido', 'van rossum') full_name(
'Full name: Guido Van Rossum'
不支持语句,比如赋值语句; -
不支持多条表达式,仅支持单条表达式; -
expression,表达式,仅支持标识符、字面量与运算符,生成至少一个值,因此只能作为右值; -
statement,语句,通常由表达式组成,用一行或多行代码完成特定功能,比如赋值语句、if 语句、return 语句。
2 # an expression > x +
1 # a statement > x =
1 # a statement > y = x +
# a statement (in 2.x) > print(y)
>>> (lambda x: return x)(2)
File "<input>", line 1
(lambda x: return x)(2)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> lambda x: int: x + 1 -> int
File "<input>", line 1
lambda x: int: x + 1 -> int
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
将匿名函数赋值给变量,像普通函数调用; -
将 lambda 嵌套到普通函数中,lambda 函数本身做为 return 的值; -
将 lambda 函数作为参数传递给其他函数。
Lambda functions are frequently used with higher-order functions, which take one or more functions as arguments or return one or more functions.
z: x * y * z > f = lambda x, y,
2, 3, 4) > f(
def f(x, y, z):
return x * y * z
def add(n):
return lambda x: x + n
1) f = add(
2) f(
def high_ord_func(x, func: Callable):
return x + func(x)
lambda x, func: x + func(x) high_ord_func =
2, lambda x: x * x) high_ord_func(
2, lambda x: x + 3) high_ord_func(
lambda x: x % 2 == 0, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])) list(filter(
[2, 4, 6]
Classic Functional Constructs,如 map()、filter()、functools.reduce(); -
Key Functions,如 sort()、sorted() 。
Lambda functions are regularly used with the built-in functions map() and filter(), as well as functools.reduce(), exposed in the module functools.
map(function, iterable, ...),根据提供的函数对指定序列做映射; -
filter(function, iterable),根据提供的函数对指定序列做过滤; -
reduce(function, iterable[, initializer]),根据提供的函数对指定序列中两两相邻元素做累积;
# Python 2.x
from collections import Iterable, Iterator
lambda x: x.upper(), ['cat', 'dog', 'cow']), Iterable) isinstance(map(
lambda x: x.upper(), ['cat', 'dog', 'cow']), Iterator) isinstance(map(
# Python 3.x
from collections import Iterable, Iterator
lambda x: x.upper(), ['cat', 'dog', 'cow']), Iterable) isinstance(map(
lambda x: x.upper(), ['cat', 'dog', 'cow']), Iterator) isinstance(map(
# mapping list by function
lambda x: x.upper(), ['cat', 'dog', 'cow'])) list(map(
['CAT', 'DOG', 'COW']
# filter list by function
lambda x: 'o' in x, ['cat', 'dog', 'cow'])) list(filter(
['dog', 'cow']
# aggregate list by function
from functools import reduce
lambda acc, x: f'{acc} | {x}', ['cat', 'dog', 'cow']) reduce(
'cat | dog | cow'
Higher-order functions like map(), filter(), and functools.reduce() can be converted to more elegant forms with slight twists of creativity, in particular with list comprehensions or generator expressions.
# convert to list comprehension
for x in ['cat', 'dog', 'cow']] [x.upper()
['CAT', 'DOG', 'COW']
for x in ['cat', 'dog', 'cow'] if 'o' in x] [x
['dog', 'cow']
Generator expressions are especially useful with functions like sum(), min(), and max() that reduce an iterable input to a single value.
lambda x, y: x + y, [3, 1, 2]) reduce(
# convert to generator expression
for x in [3, 1, 2]) sum(x
for n in range(5)] >> square_list = [n** 2
>> square_list
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16]
for n in range(5)) >> square_generator = (n** 2
>> square_generator
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x00000286B8671F90>
Key functions in Python are higher-order functions that take a parameter key as a named argument. key receives a function that can be a lambda.
sort(key, reverse),根据提供的函数对调用列表做排序; -
sorted(iterable[, key[, reverse]]),根据提供的函数对指定序列做排序。
key 用于指定进行比较的元素,只有一个参数,用于指定可迭代对象中的一个元素进行排序; -
reverse 用于指定排序规则,reverse = True 降序 , reverse = False 升序(默认)。
10, "Tom", ), (8, "Jack"), (5, "David")] > ss = [(
# order by age (default desc)
x: x[1]) > ss.sort(key=lambda
> ss
[(5, 'David'), (8, 'Jack'), (10, 'Tom')]
x: x[1], reverse=True) > sorted(ss, key=lambda
[(10, 'Tom'), (8, 'Jack'), (5, 'David')]
解析查询条件 -
获取数据 -
'shawn') > ==
将查询条件 == 'shawn' 转换成查询函数 lambda value: value == 'shawn',并将其保存在 QueryInstance 对象中。注意现在还并不知道具体表的数据; -
获取要查询的数据表,然后调用 cond(doc) 方法判断是否满足查询条件; -
由于 QueryInstance 类实现了 __call__() 方法,因此实际是传入表中数据并调用查询函数 lambda value: value == 'shawn'(。
class Query(QueryInstance):
def __eq__(self, rhs: Any):
return self._generate_test(
lambda value: value == rhs,
('==', self._path, freeze(rhs))
def __eq__(self, rhs: Any):
def temp(value):
return value == rhs
return self._generate_test(
('==', self._path, freeze(rhs))
def _generate_test(
test: Callable[[Any], bool],
hashval: Tuple,
allow_empty_path: bool = False
) -> QueryInstance:
def runner(value):
# Perform the specified test
return test(value)
return QueryInstance(
lambda value: runner(value),
(hashval if self.is_cacheable() else None)
Classic Functional Constructs,如 map()、filter()、functools.reduce(),不过通常可以转换成列表推导式或生成器表达式;
Key Functions,如 sort()、sorted() 。
def generate_power(exponent):
def power(base):
return base ** exponent
return power
def generate_power_lambda(exponent):
return lambda base: base ** exponent
map 方法中自动调用 submit 方法,因此无需提前使用 submit 方法; -
map 方法中自动调用 result 方法,返回值是 result 的迭代器,而 as_completed 方法的返回值是 Future 实例对象的迭代器; -
map 方法中任务返回的顺序与任务提交的顺序一致,而 as_completed 方法中任务返回的顺序与任务提交的顺序可能不一致。
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from my_thread.tasks import get_html
def main():
# 线程池初始化
executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2)
# 通过 submit 函数提交要执行的函数到线程池中,submit函数立即返回,不阻塞
task1 = executor.submit(get_html, 3)
task2 = executor.submit(get_html, 2)
task3 = executor.submit(get_html, 2)
# 主线程阻塞直到任务执行结束
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
def main():
pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2)
urls = [3, 2, 4]
all_task = [pool.submit(get_html, url) for url in urls]
for future in as_completed(all_task):
data = future.result()
print("in main thread, result={}".format(data))
def main():
pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2)
urls = [3, 2, 4]
for result in, urls):
def map(self, fn, *iterables, timeout=None, chunksize=1):
"""Returns an iterator equivalent to map(fn, iter).
fs = [self.submit(fn, *args) for args in zip(*iterables)]
def result_iterator():
# reverse to keep finishing order
while fs:
# Careful not to keep a reference to the popped future
if timeout is None:
yield fs.pop().result()
yield fs.pop().result(end_time - time.time())
for future in fs:
return result_iterator()
How to Use Python Lambda Functions
Lambda Function in Python – How and When to use?
左耳听风:编程范式游记(4)- 函数式编程
Python 之 lambda 函数完整详解 & 巧妙运用