唧唧堂:LQ 领导力季刊2022年6月刊论文摘要12篇

2022年7月25日 526点热度 0人点赞 0条评论
解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组: ii
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组:金喵喵
编辑 | 小巴

Extending the boundaries of strategic leadership research


This special issue was developed to extend the boundaries of strategic leadership research, to help bridge the micro-macro divide regarding theories of strategic leadership, and to bring together theories that have emerged independently. In this introductory editorial, we provide an overview of the research on strategic leadership and emphasize the need for further integration of research from the organizational behavior, industrial and organizational psychology, organizational economics, behavioral strategy, and strategic management fields. We then introduce and summarize the eleven articles we accepted for this special issue by classifying them into two broad themes: (a) Chief executive officer (CEO) characteristics and (b) the dynamics of interactions among the CEO, the top management team, and the board. Finally, we propose recent theoretical and empirical foci for advancing strategic leadership research and offer a research agenda for future research highlighting several important research questions related to extending the dialogue among scholars across the different leadership and strategy domains.

参考文献:Vera, D., Bonardi, J. P., Hitt, M. A., & Withers, M. C. (2022). Extending the boundaries of strategic leadership research. The Leadership Quarterly, 33(3), 101617.

The XX factor: Female managers and innovation in a cross-country setting


Our understanding of the link between women managers and firm-level innovation remains incomplete. Building on recent research on gender and leadership styles, we argue that there is a positive association between women managers and firm innovation. We highlight the selection process of women managers as an important underlying mechanism and discuss institutional and environmental contingencies as factors that influence this association. Specifically, we theorize and garner empirical support for the idea that in countries with legislation that promotes legally-mandated gender quotas, underqualified women may be selected for management positions, whereas in countries with voluntary gender quotas (or quotas are entirely absent), women are predominantly selected on the basis of their qualifications. The association between women and innovation is strengthened (weakened) in the latter (former) case. We also argue that this positive relationship is stronger under conditions of environmental complexity, which typically characterize innovation activities. These predictions are supported on the basis of data from the Management, Organization and Innovation (MOI) survey which covers manufacturing firms in twelve countries.

参考文献:Foss, N., Lee, P. M., Murtinu, S., & Scalera, V. G. (2022). The XX factor: Female managers and innovation in a cross-country setting. The Leadership Quarterly, 33(3), 101537.

The forms and use of intuition in top management teams
对于为公司制定战略决策的高层管理团队 (TMT) 而言,直觉的使用可能非常重要。 然而,关于在战略决策 (SDM) 中使用直觉的研究集中在研究首席执行官 (CEO) 的直觉上,对于团队如何在决策活动中发展并使用直觉的问题研究较少。 作者结合TMT和团队直觉,基于直觉的控制点和结合类型的区别,提出了四种形式的TMT直觉,描述了TMT 直觉的形式和形成机制,并讨论了它们与 TMT 决策活动的相关性。

Nascent research suggests that benefits of intuition use accrue not only to individuals but also to teams. These benefits may be especially important for top management teams (TMTs), who formulate strategic decisions for their firms. However, work on intuition use in strategic decision making (SDM) remains focused on the intuitions of chief executive officers (CEOs). Furthermore, the emerging literature on team intuition is very fragmented, leaving an unclear picture of how teams may develop and use intuition in their decision-making activities. To address these problems, we integrate team intuition and TMT research to propose four forms of TMT intuition, which differ based on the locus and integration of intuition. We describe the forms of TMT intuition, clarify the mechanisms that shape them, and discuss their relevance for TMTs' decision-making activities. Overall, we advocate for strategy research that focuses on the notion of “team” in team intuition.

参考文献:Samba, C., Williams, D. W., & Fuller, R. M. (2022). The forms and use of intuition in top management teams. The Leadership Quarterly, 33(3), 101349.


Top management team constellations and their implications for strategic decision making

Two major themes in the upper echelon decision making literature are the efficacy of the CEO and the composition of the top management team (TMT). Little research has examined their intersection. This study addresses the call to reveal the social processes within TMTs, by focusing on CEO-TMT member interaction in decision making. Drawing on video ethnographic data of two TMTs, we explore the patterns of interactions between CEOs and TMT members in their strategic decision-making meetings. Through an analysis of 20 issue discussions, we identify five “constellations”, a team level construct capturing the core relational dynamics that are created through mutual CEO-TMT member influence during a team's discussion of a strategic issue. We explain how these constellations unfold and their implications for the processes and outcomes of TMT strategic decision making. We then elaborate how our findings contribute to the TMT and upper echelon literatures, as well as our understanding of team politics.

参考文献:Liu, F., Jarrett, M., & Maitlis, S. (2022). Top management team constellations and their implications for strategic decision making. The Leadership Quarterly, 33(3), 101510.

5、CEO-TMT 界面研究的四个十年:基于角色理论的综述
Four decades of CEO–TMT interface research: A review inspired by role theory
CEO-TMT界面是CEO与其他高层管理者之间的联系和互动,其相关研究旨在揭示 CEO和其他高管是如何相互交流、相互影响,以及如何参与塑造组织命运的集体活动。现有CEO-TMT 研究仍对CEO和TMT行使战略领导力的界面角色的假设仍然分散。基于角色理论,本研究回顾了不同学科内CEO-TMT界面现有的研究,并系统组织了CEO-TMT 角色假设,形成三个角色理论范式:功能主义、社会互动主义和结构主义。作者在文中对以上三个角色范式的优势和界限进行了批判性分析,并指出了一个对CEO-TMT界面的综合的“多角色”理解的方向。

The CEO-TMT interface, defined as the linkage and interaction between the CEO and other top managers, has received increasing attention from scholars in different disciplines. This stream of research aims to unveil how CEOs and other executives interact with one another, influence each other, and become involved in collective activities that shape the fate of organizations. Yet, despite the burgeoning interest in this area, extant CEO-TMT research is characterized by various and disconnected assumptions about the interfacing roles through which CEOs and TMTs exercise strategic leadership. Drawing on role theory, we review extant CEO-TMT interface research in different disciplines, and systematically organize the various CEO-TMT role assumptions into three role-theory specifications: functionalism, social-interactionism, and structuralism. In taking stock of the three role specifications, we provide a critique of the strengths and boundaries of each, and chart directions toward an integrated ‘multi-role’ understanding of the CEO-TMT interface in strategic leadership.

参考文献:Georgakakis, D., Heyden, M. L., Oehmichen, J. D., & Ekanayake, U. I. (2022). Four decades of CEO–TMT interface research: A review inspired by role theory. The Leadership Quarterly, 33(3), 101354.

CEO proactiveness, innovation, and firm performance
首席执行官 (CEO) 在推动公司创新方面至关重要,尽管已有关于 CEO 人格特征与公司创新和绩效的研究,但学界对能够反映预期行为和强结果导向成分(如主动性)的人格特征对公司创新和绩效的作用知之甚少。本研究探讨了 CEO 主动性与组织创新和公司绩效的影响,发现CEO的主动性体现在网络建设、问题解决和寻求反馈行为的区别中,这三种行为对探索性创新、利用性创新和组织二元性有不同的影响,且其对公司绩效的影响被组织二元性部分中介。通过研究CEO主动性人格特征对关键公司战略选择和绩效的影响,本研究扩展了对战略领导力和公司创新和绩效的研究领域。

Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) are essential in driving firm innovation. However, despite existing research on CEO personality characteristics and firm innovation and performance, we know relatively little about how personality characteristics reflecting anticipatory action and strong outcome-oriented components, such as proactiveness, shape firm innovation and performance. We explore the relationship between CEO proactiveness and three facets of organizational innovation, as well as its impact on firm performance. We suggest that CEO proactiveness is manifested in different network-building, problem-solving, and feedback-seeking behaviors with different implications for exploratory innovation, exploitative innovation, and organizational ambidexterity, and that its effect on firm performance is partially mediated by organizational ambidexterity. By examining the influence of this important CEO personality characteristic on key firm strategic choices and performance, we extend research on strategic leadership and firm innovation and performance.

参考文献:Kiss, A. N., Cortes, A. F., & Herrmann, P. (2022). CEO proactiveness, innovation, and firm performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 33(3), 101545.

CEO-COB prestige distance and change in diversification: Exploring a curvilinear relationship

本研究考察了新任首席执行官 (CEO) 与董事会主席 (COB) 之间的声望差距如何影响公司多元化水平的变化。基于社会比较理论和活动理论,作者认为CEO和COB之间的声望差距改变了两位领导者之间的互动和沟通方式,进而影响了公司多元化的能力。基于来自135家公司的数据,发现CEO-COB的声望差距与公司多元化能力之间的关系呈U型。研究结果表明,低水平的CEO-COB声望差距,以及较低程度的高水平的 CEO-COB 声望差距,为公司多元化水平的更大程度上的变化创造了条件。此外,研究同时发现,当对应的CEO和COB的年龄差较大时,上述U型关系更为明显。

This study investigates how the prestige distance between a new chief executive officer (CEO) and the chairperson of the board (COB) can influence changes in the firm’s level of diversification. We draw on social comparison theory and activity theory to argue that the prestige distance between a CEO and COB alters the interaction and communication between the two leaders, and accordingly influences the firm’s ability to change its diversification posture. We test our hypotheses on a dataset of 135 firms and find that the prestige distance in CEO-COB dyads has a U-shaped relationship with the change in the firm’s level of diversification. Our results reveal that low CEO-COB prestige distance, and to a lesser extent high CEO-COB prestige distance, creates conditions for greater changes in the firm’s level of diversification. Further, we find that this U-shaped relationship is more pronounced when the CEO-COB dyad has greater age differences and flattens when the dyad shares age similarity.

参考文献:Salaiz, A., Evans, K. M., Jones, C. D., & Pathak, S. (2022). CEO-COB prestige distance and change in diversification: Exploring a curvilinear relationship. The Leadership Quarterly, 33(3), 101544.


The role of CEO emotional stability and team heterogeneity in shaping the top management team affective tone and firm performance relationship

本研究旨在通过CEO特征与高层管理团队 (TMT)情感体验之间关系的研究,来弥合战略领导研究的微观宏观鸿沟。作者预测CEO 的性格(情绪稳定性)与TMT的情感基调呈正向关系,并假设TMT情感基调与企业绩效之间的关系取决于TMT的任务相关的异质性,即积极的情感基调与异质TMT的企业绩效正相关,而消极的情感基调与同质TMT的企业绩效正相关。本研究采用了一种新研究方法测量CEO和TMT关键心理因素,并基于来自上市公司的50个TMT样本检验以上预测。本研究结果为战略领导力、情感和多样性文献提供了理论贡献,并为CEO选拔和管理以及多样性管理提供了实践指导。

In this paper, we aim to bridge the micro-macro divide by addressing continued calls from strategic leadership and affect researchers to examine the black box to consider how CEO characteristics relate to top management team (TMT) affective experiences, and, in turn firm outcomes. We further consider the role of one key contextual factor in this relationship: TMT heterogeneity. We predict that CEO personality, specifically, emotional stability, is positively associated with TMT affective tone. Moreover, we posit that the relationship between TMT affective tone and firm performance depends on TMT task-related heterogeneity, such that positive affective tone benefits firm performance in heterogeneous TMTs, whereas negative affective tone benefits firm performance in homogeneous TMTs. Using a novel methodology that measures key psychological aspects of the CEO and TMT, we examined 50 TMTs from publicly-traded companies to test our predictions. Our findings offer theoretical contributions to the strategic leadership, affect and diversity literatures as well as managerial applications for CEO selection and management and managing diversity in upper echelons.

参考文献:Ormiston, M. E., Wong, E. M., & Ha, J. (2022). The role of CEO emotional stability and team heterogeneity in shaping the top management team affective tone and firm performance relationship. The Leadership Quarterly, 33(3), 101543.

Managerial commitment to the status quo and corporate divestiture: Can power motivate openness to change?

CEO对现状的承诺感(CSQ)是导致他们抵制组织变革的一个突出的心理因素。在这项研究中,作者关注管理权力,作为战略选择的核心要素,在 CEO的CSQ和公司脱离性活动之间的关系中的调节作用。基于权力的资源依赖角度,作者识别出权力的多个方面(结构、所有权、声望/社会和专家权力),及其对CEO由于CSQ 而引发的对公司变革的抵制的削弱作用。本研究强调了不同权力基础对高层管理人员决策的影响作用,这些研究有助于战略领导和组织变革文献的重要性,其中高层管理人员指那些在情况需要改变时倾向于不变的高管。通过更好地理解各种权力基础如何在存在管理心理偏见的情况下对战略结果产生独特影响,研究者可以更准确地评估权力对公司战略行动的影响。

CEOs' commitment to the status quo (CSQ) is a prominent psychological factor leading to their resistance to organizational change. In this study we focus on the moderating role of managerial power, a central element in strategic choice, in the relationship between CEOs' CSQ and corporate divestiture activity. Drawing from the resource dependence perspective of power, we identify multiple aspects of power (structural, ownership, prestige/social, and expert power) that reduce CEOs' resistance to corporate change arising from CSQ. This study contributes to the strategic leadership and organizational change literatures by underscoring the importance of considering how different power bases shape the decision making of top managers who may have tendencies to hold onto firm assets when the situation warrants change. With a better understanding of how various power bases may uniquely influence strategic outcomes in the presence of managerial psychological bias, we can more accurately assess the impact of power on firms' strategic actions.

参考文献:Chiu, S. C. S., Pathak, S., Hoskisson, R. E., & Johnson, R. A. (2022). Managerial commitment to the status quo and corporate divestiture: Can power motivate openness to change?. The Leadership Quarterly, 33(3), 101459.

10、基于神经科学的模型,说明 CEO 社会价值观为何以及何时影响企业社会责任投资
A neuroscience-based model of why and when CEO social values affect investments in corporate social responsibility
本研究预测了CEO的内在动机(即其社会价值观)是如何与激励环境产生交互作用,进而影响 CEO对其决策所产生的利群结果的效用感知,并随后体现于组织的 CSR 投资行为。基于对神经科学证据的回顾,即社会价值观是与不同的神经激活模式相关,作者认为这些价值观是为CEO在复杂决策环境中导航的指南针。对于具有“关注他人”价值观的CEO而言,产生利群结果是其效用函数的重要组成部分。无论处于何种情境,他们都有投资企业社会责任的内在动机。相反,具有“关注自我”价值观的CEO只有在受到金钱或社会激励时才能从利群结果中获得效用。当他们能够从企业社会责任中获得个人利益时,他们才会产生外在的动机来投资企业社会责任。

Why and when do CEOs invest in corporate social responsibility (CSR)? We theorize how CEOs' intrinsic motivations – their social values – and the incentivizing context interact to determine the utility they attach to generating collectively beneficial outcomes in decision-making, subsequently manifested in organizations' CSR investments. Based on a review of neuroscience evidence, indicating that social values are associated with distinct patterns of neural activation, we propose that these values are the compass by which CEOs navigate in complex decision environments. For CEOs with other-regarding values, generating collectively beneficial outcomes is part and parcel of their utility function. They are intrinsically motivated to invest in CSR, regardless of context. In contrast, CEOs with self-regarding values derive utility from generating collective benefits only when it is monetarily or socially incentivized. They are extrinsically motivated to invest in CSR when they stand to gain from it personally.

参考文献:Boone, C., Buyl, T., Declerck, C. H., & Sajko, M. (2022). A neuroscience-based model of why and when CEO social values affect investments in corporate social responsibility. The Leadership Quarterly, 33(3), 101386.


A juggling act: CEO polychronicity and firm innovation

本研究考察了CEO的一个独特的时间心理特征——多元性时间观(CEO 倾向于同时参与多个项目并认为这是最好的工作方式的程度)。作者认为CEO的多元性时间观是企业创新的一把双刃剑,二者间的关系取决于环境和组织情境。当公司在更具动态性的环境中运营、规模相对较大且过去业绩不佳时,CEO 多元性时间观与公司创新呈正相关;当公司在动态较少的环境中运营、规模相对较小且过去业绩良好时,CEO多元性时间观与公司创新呈负相关。本研究初步尝试验证CEO多元性时间观的影响,并确定了CEO 多元性时间观对公司创新影响的边界条件。

This study examines a unique CEO temporal characteristic—polychronicity (the extent to which CEOs prefer to engage in multiple projects simultaneously and believe that this is the best way of doing things). I propose that CEO polychronicity is a double-edged sword for firm innovation and that this relationship is contingent on the environmental and organizational contexts. Specifically, CEO polychronicity is positively related to firm innovation when firms operate in more dynamic environments, are relatively large and have poor past performance, but is negatively related to firm innovation when firms operate in less dynamic environments, are relatively small and have good past performance. Results based on survey data from 111 Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) largely support my hypotheses. This study makes contributions by being an initial attempt to examine CEO polychronicity and by identifying essential boundary conditions of the effect of CEO polychronicity on firm innovation.

参考文献:Chen, J. (2022). A juggling act: CEO polychronicity and firm innovation. The Leadership Quarterly, 33(3), 101380.

12、什么是战略领导? 为未来研究制定框架
What is strategic leadership? Developing a framework for future research

We attempt to bring clarity to the concept of strategic leadership and guide its development by reviewing and synthesizing the existing management literature on how top managers and board directors influence organizations. We propose a new definition of strategic leadership and offer a framework organized around the essential questions of what strategic leadership is, what strategic leaders do, why they do it, and how they do it. To answer these questions, we organize our review around the eight functions strategic leaders serve, the key attributes of strategic leaders, the theories scholars have used to relate these functions and attributes to outcomes, contextual factors, and the organizational outcomes that strategic leaders affect. We identify how strategic leadership research is concentrated in five streams that rarely interact with each other, and offer suggestions for connecting these streams. Our review provides a big picture of what is known about individuals at the top levels of organizations and highlights the key areas where future investigation is essential.

参考文献:Samimi, M., Cortes, A. F., Anderson, M. H., & Herrmann, P. (2022). What is strategic leadership? Developing a framework for future research. The Leadership Quarterly, 33(3), 101353.







72220唧唧堂:LQ 领导力季刊2022年6月刊论文摘要12篇

