唧唧堂:JAP 应用心理学 2022年2月刊论文摘要9篇

2022年4月19日 367点热度 0人点赞 0条评论


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组: 郑银波
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组金喵喵
编辑 | 小巴



Despite convincing evidence about the general negative consequences of commuting for individuals and societies, our understanding of how aversive commutes are linked to employees’ effectiveness at work is limited. Drawing on theories of self-regulation and by extension a conservation of resources perspective, we develop a framework that explains how an aversive morning commute—a resource-depleting experience characterized by interruptions of automated travel behaviors—impairs employees’ immersion in uninterrupted work (i.e., flow), which in turn reduces employee effectiveness (i.e., work engagement, subjective performance, and OCB-I). We further delineate theoretical arguments for daily self-control demands as a boundary condition that amplifies this relation and propose the satisfaction of employees’ basic needs as protective factors. Two diary studies across 10 workdays each (Study 1: 53 employees, 411 day-level data points; Study 2: 91 employees, 719 day-level data points) support most of our hypotheses. Study 1 demonstrates that daily aversive morning commutes negatively affect employees’ daily work engagement through lower levels of flow experiences, but only on days with high impulse control demands. In addition, we find initial support that employees’ general autonomy and competence needs satisfaction attenuate this interaction. Study 2 rules out alternative mechanisms (negative affect and tension), demonstrates ego depletion as an additional mediator of the relation between aversive morning commutes and work effectiveness, and replicates the hypothesized three-way interaction for daily competence need satisfaction. We critically discuss the findings and reflect on corporate interventions, which may allow people to more easily flow to and at work. 

论文原文:Gerpott, F. H., Rivkin, W., & Unger, D. (2022). Stop and go, where is my flow? How and when daily aversive morning commutes are negatively related to employees’ motivational states and behavior at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(2), 169–192.


尽管职场无礼在过去二十年受到了组织研究持续的关注,但该构念的效度,尤其是对比其他类型的职场虐待一直受到反复质疑。同时,无礼遭遇前因的有待研究也导致对其诺莫网络的理解不够完整。使用Schmidt和Hunter的随机效应元分析方法,本文通过检验职场无礼的信度、聚合效度和区分效度验证了这一构念的有效性,并且验证了职场无礼超过其他类型的职场虐待的增长预测效度。本文也基于加害者掠夺框架(Perpetrator predation framework)系统地研究了职场无礼遭遇的前因以拓展其诺莫网络。基于105个独立样本和51008名参与者的数据,职场无礼的构念效度得到了稳健支持。此外,人口特征(性别、种族、阶层和任期)、人格特质(宜人性、尽责性、神经质、消极情感和自尊)以及情境因素(感知不文明氛围和社会支持氛围)是职场无礼遭遇的重要前因,并且情境因素与其有着更强的联系。基于457名参与者的补充研究进一步支持了职场无礼的构念效度。

Although workplace incivility has received increasing attention in organizational research over the past two decades, there have been recurring questions about its construct validity, especially vis-à-vis other forms of workplace mistreatment. Also, the antecedents of experienced incivility remain understudied, leaving an incomplete understanding of its nomological network. In this meta-analysis using Schmidt and Hunter’s [Methods of meta-analysis: Correcting error and bias in research findings (3rd ed.), Sage] random-effect meta-analytic methods, we validate the construct of incivility by testing its reliability, convergent and discriminant validity, as well as its incremental predictive validity over other forms of mistreatment. We also extend its nomological network by drawing on the perpetrator predation framework to systematically study the antecedents of experienced incivility. Based on 105 independent samples and 51,008 participants, we find extensive support for incivility’s construct validity. Besides, we demonstrate that demographic characteristics (gender, race, rank, and tenure), personality traits (agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, negative affectivity, and self-esteem), and contextual factors (perceived uncivil climate and socially supportive climate) are important antecedents of experienced incivility, with contextual factors displaying a stronger association with incivility. In a supplementary primary study with 457 participants, we find further support for the construct validity of incivility. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of this study. 

论文原文:Yao, J., Lim, S., Guo, C. Y., Ou, A. Y., & Ng, J. W. X. (2022). Experienced incivility in the workplace: A meta-analytical review of its construct validity and nomological network. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(2), 193–220.


员工绩效在以往研究往往被视作对员工行为一个静态单时点的快照。然而,认为绩效会随时间波动的研究所采取的时间框架与理论存在脱节。为了让两者联系更为紧密,本文基于卷吸理论(Entrainment Theory;形容原流体轨迹随新流体轨迹的介入而变化)探究了员工动机和绩效在5个工作日内的轨迹变化。本文假设在一周工作时间内动机控制(基于注意力调配的目标追求维持过程)与绩效之间存在下滑的关系轨迹。基于自我决定理论,本文假设特质正念通过影响动机控制与绩效下滑轨迹负相关。最后本文基于特质激活理论提出,只有当工作要求较高时,正念才能通过动机控制轨迹间接影响绩效轨迹,基于151名医疗器械公司的全职员工持续一周工作日、每日收集两次的数据,本文构建个体间的轨迹对假设关系进行的检验支持了假设。在一周工作日内动机控制和绩效都存在下滑轨迹。进一步地,工作要求有条件地调节了正念基于动机控制轨迹对绩效轨迹的间接影响。本文还讨论了动机、绩效、卷吸和正念的动态化理论和实践启示。

Employee performance is commonly investigated as a static, one-time snapshot of prior employee behaviors. For the studies that do acknowledge that performance fluctuates over time, the timeframe decision is disconnected from theoretical underpinnings. To make this connection clearer, we draw on entrainment theory and investigate trajectories in motivation and performance across the 5-day workweek. We hypothesize that both motivational control (i.e., staying on course and sustaining effort in pursuit of goals through the redirection of attention) and performance have a declining trajectory across the workweek. Drawing on self-determination theory, we also hypothesize that trait-based mindfulness (i.e., nonjudgmental present moment attention and awareness) negatively relates to the downward trajectory in performance across the workweek via its effect on the trajectory of motivational control. Finally, we take a trait activation theory perspective, hypothesizing that mindfulness is relevant as an indirect influence on performance trajectories through motivational control trajectories only when job demands are high. We test our model using 151 full-time employees in a medical device company. We collected data from participants twice daily across the 5-day workweek. We then use these daily scores to create between-person (e.g., person-centric) trajectories to investigate the proposed relationships. The hypotheses are generally supported. There is a downward trajectory of both motivational control and performance across the workweek. Furthermore, job demands conditionally moderate the indirect effect of mindfulness on performance trajectories through motivational control trajectories. Theoretical and practical implications specific to dynamic motivation and performance, entrainment, and mindfulness literature are discussed.

论文原文:Dust, S. B., Liu, H., Wang, S., & Reina, C. S. (2022). The effect of mindfulness and job demands on motivation and performance trajectories across the workweek: An entrainment theory perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(2), 221–239.




Gratitude plays an integral role in promoting helping behavior at work. Thus, cultivating employees’ experiences of gratitude represents an important imperative in modern organizations that rely on teamwork and collaboration to achieve organizational goals. Yet, today’s workplace presents a complex array of demands that make it difficult for employees to fully attend to and appreciate the various benefits they receive at work. As such, gratitude is difficult for employers to promote and for employees to experience. Despite these observations, the role of attention and awareness in facilitating employees’ feelings of gratitude is largely overlooked in the extant literature. In this study, we examined whether one notable form of present moment attention, mindfulness, may promote helping behavior by stimulating the positive, other-oriented emotion of gratitude. Across two experimental studies, a semiweekly, multisource diary study, and a 10-day experience sampling investigation, we found converging evidence for a serial mediation model in which state mindfulness, via positive affect and perspective taking, prompts greater levels of gratitude, prosocial motivation, and, in turn, helping behavior at work. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our investigation, as well as avenues for the future research.

论文原文:Sawyer, K. B., Thoroughgood, C. N., Stillwell, E. E., Duffy, M. K., Scott, K. L., & Adair, E. A. (2022). Being present and thankful: A multi-study investigation of mindfulness, gratitude, and employee helping behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(2), 240–262.



In this work, we consider the complex and discordant effects that psychological power has on powerholders. To do so, we integrate the situated focus theory of power, which identifies perceptions of job demands as a key outcome of power, with new insights from the challenge-hindrance framework, which acknowledges that job demands may both help and hurt employees. Our model delineates how power-induced job demands may simultaneously benefit (manifested as goal progress and meaningfulness) and harm (manifested as physical discomfort and anxiety) powerholders. By identifying job demands as a key mediator we provide an integrative account of the nuanced effects that power has on powerholders. Additionally, we show that the relationship between feeling powerful and perceiving one’s job to be demanding is stronger for employees higher (vs. lower) in neuroticism. We tested our theoretical model in two studies—a field experiment where we tested the full model, and a second experiment where we conceptually replicated the effect of power on perceived job demands. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our work.

论文原文:Foulk, T. A., & Lanaj, K. (2022). With great power comes more job demands: The dynamic effects of experienced power on perceived job demands and their discordant effects on employee outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(2), 263–278.



Although providing negative performance feedback can enhance employee performance, leaders are sometimes reluctant to engage in this activity. Reflecting this, prior research has identified negative feedback provision as an aversive, yet potentially rewarding, managerial activity. However, little is known about how providing negative feedback impacts the effectiveness of leaders who do so. To shed light on this issue, we develop and test a theoretical model that identifies how leaders’ proximal and distal reactions to providing negative feedback are contingent upon their levels of trait empathy. Supporting our theory, results from an experience sampling study indicate that leaders higher in trait empathy report feeling both less attentive and more distressed after providing subordinates with negative feedback, whereas leaders lower in trait empathy report feeling more attentive and less distressed. Attentiveness and distress, in turn, were associated with leaders’ daily perceptions of their effectiveness; distress was also associated with leaders’ daily enactment of transformational leadership behavior. Results of two subsequent studies focused on single episodes of negative feedback provision revealed that trait empathy amplifies the extent to which feedback recipients’ negative emotional reactions impact additional leader effectiveness criteria (e.g., executive functioning and planning/problem-solving), further supporting the need to account for the crucial role of trait empathy in the feedback-provision process. Altogether, our research provides a novel perspective on the feedback-giving process by shifting the focus of theorizing from the recipient to the provider, while challenging current thinking about leader empathy by highlighting its potential downside for leadership.

论文原文:Simon, L. S., Rosen, C. C., Gajendran, R. S., Ozgen, S., & Corwin, E. S. (2022). Pain or gain? Understanding how trait empathy impacts leader effectiveness following the provision of negative feedback. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(2), 279–297.425–443.


多团队成员身份(Multiple Team Membership, MTM)是一种让组织研究和实践都面临重大挑战的复杂现象。本文探究了当前研究关注甚少的MTM多层次性质。本文开发的基于资源的理论框架促进了我们对公司MTM的前因以及生产力后效,以及个体MTM和公司MTM对个体情绪耗竭的协同效应。基于145家德国组织的19803名员工样本的数据,本文发现MTM在知识密集型以及人手不足的公司最为盛行,并且公司MTM与随后的公司生产力之间存在倒U形关系(而非正相关的线性关系)。此外,本文发现个体MTM和公司MTM对个体压力感知存在交互效应,个体MTM和情绪耗竭之间的正向关系只有在公司MTM更高的公司才存在。总之,MTM对公司层面的生产力具有潜在的积极效应,但同时也可能会对个体层面的员工幸福感产生损害。

Multiple team membership (MTM) is a complex phenomenon that poses significant challenges for organizational research and practice. In this article, we delve into the multilevel nature of MTM, which has not received adequate research attention to date. We develop a resource-based framework that advances our understanding of the antecedents and productivity consequences of firm MTM, and the synergistic effects of individual MTM and firm MTM on an individual’s emotional exhaustion. Using a sample of 19,803 employees from 145 German organizations, our analyses reveal that MTM is most prevalent in knowledge-intensive and understaffed firms, and that firm MTM has an inverted U-shaped (rather than a positive linear) relationship with subsequent firm productivity. In addition, we find that individual MTM and firm MTM interactively shape individual stress perceptions, such that positive linkages between individual MTM and emotional exhaustion are significant only in firms with higher (but not lower) firm MTM. Together, these findings suggest that MTM has the potential to lead to firm-level productivity gains but, at the same time, may take a toll on individual employees’ well-being. 

论文原文:Berger, S., van de Brake, H. J., & Bruch, H. (2022). Resource leverage, resource depletion: A multilevel perspective on multiple team membership. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(2), 298–309.



Why are some employees better than others at improving and maintaining their creativity over time? Despite decades of empirical study and theory on employee creativity, the temporal and developmental aspects of creativity are far from being fully understood. Emphasizing the dynamic nature of creativity, we propose that creativity trajectories are nonmonotonic, and that goal orientations explain individual variations in the ability to improve and sustain the productivity (number) and quality (novelty and usefulness) of ideas over time. Our findings from a longitudinal study at a manufacturing company suggest that employees with a learning orientation strive to develop their skills and thus improve the quality of their ideas at a faster rate and maintain it over time. Those with a performance orientation seek to demonstrate their skills, relying on existing frameworks that enable a larger number of ideas initially, yet ultimately undermine their creativity in the long term. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications for fueling creativity over time. 

论文原文:Miron-Spektor, E., Vashdi, D. R., & Gopher, H. (2022). Bright sparks and enquiring minds: Differential effects of goal orientation on the creativity trajectory. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(2), 310–318.



Previous research has established the role of positive emotional cultures such as companionate love and joy in predicting team performance. Building on this work, the present study analyzes the role of positive emotional culture variables as predictors of resilient performance by examining patterns of objective team performance in U.S. Army tank crews over time. We also broaden the emotional culture domain by investigating an action-oriented positive emotional culture of optimism and a negative emotional culture of anger. During a high-stakes international military training exercise, 55 U.S. Army tank crews (N = 175) completed a pre-qualification performance event, a final qualification performance event, and surveys at baseline and after both events. The positive emotional culture of optimism predicted a pattern of resilient performance defined as a rebound from poor pre-qualification performance. Emotional cultures of joy and optimism also directly predicted final performance, but neither the emotional culture of companionate love, nor the emotional culture of anger was a significant predictor. Results demonstrate the distinct nature of each of these emotional culture variables, and show that these variables differ from group trait affectivity and cohesion. Teams with a strong emotional culture of optimism were better positioned to rebound in the face of poor performance, suggesting that organizations that promote an optimistic culture develop more resilient teams.

论文原文:Adler, A. B., Bliese, P. D., Barsade, S. G., & Sowden, W. J. (2022). Hitting the mark: The influence of emotional culture on resilient performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(2), 319–327.







22410唧唧堂:JAP 应用心理学 2022年2月刊论文摘要9篇


