flux: 用 Rust 和 wasm 重新创建 macOS的 Drift 屏幕保护程序
Rust 中的 string 们
原文链接: https://medium.com/@alisomay/strings-in-rust-28c08a2d3130
为什么 Rust 只有一个很小的标准库
dtmf: 一个无std 的 Rust DTMF解码器
// Load in our audio samples
// This can also be done in real time from the sound card
let mut sample_file = File::open("data/dtmf_test.wav").unwrap();
let (header, data) = wav::read(&mut sample_file).unwrap();
let data = data.try_into_sixteen().unwrap();
// set up our decoder
let mut decoder = Decoder::new(header.sampling_rate, |tone, state| {
println!("{:?}: {:?}", tone, state);
// can process all samples at once, or in smaller batches
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