golang源码分析:爬虫colly(part II)

2021年8月18日 327点热度 0人点赞 0条评论

这里紧接着golang源码分析:爬虫colly(part I)继续讲解,我们看下colly最核心的文件colly.go。

colly.go 中首先定义了,爬虫开发中用到的hook回调的函数类型

type CollectorOption func(*Collector)


type Collector struct {  // UserAgent is the User-Agent string used by HTTP requests  UserAgent string  // MaxDepth limits the recursion depth of visited URLs.  // Set it to 0 for infinite recursion (default).  MaxDepth int  // AllowedDomains is a domain whitelist.  // Leave it blank to allow any domains to be visited  AllowedDomains []string  // DisallowedDomains is a domain blacklist.  DisallowedDomains []string  // DisallowedURLFilters is a list of regular expressions which restricts  // visiting URLs. If any of the rules matches to a URL the  // request will be stopped. DisallowedURLFilters will  // be evaluated before URLFilters  // Leave it blank to allow any URLs to be visited  DisallowedURLFilters []*regexp.Regexp  // URLFilters is a list of regular expressions which restricts  // visiting URLs. If any of the rules matches to a URL the  // request won't be stopped. DisallowedURLFilters will  // be evaluated before URLFilters  // Leave it blank to allow any URLs to be visited  URLFilters []*regexp.Regexp  // AllowURLRevisit allows multiple downloads of the same URL  AllowURLRevisit bool  // MaxBodySize is the limit of the retrieved response body in bytes.  // 0 means unlimited.  // The default value for MaxBodySize is 10MB (10 * 1024 * 1024 bytes).  MaxBodySize int  // CacheDir specifies a location where GET requests are cached as files.  // When it's not defined, caching is disabled.  CacheDir string  // IgnoreRobotsTxt allows the Collector to ignore any restrictions set by  // the target host's robots.txt file.  See http://www.robotstxt.org/ for more  // information.  IgnoreRobotsTxt bool  // Async turns on asynchronous network communication. Use Collector.Wait() to  // be sure all requests have been finished.  Async bool  // ParseHTTPErrorResponse allows parsing HTTP responses with non 2xx status codes.  // By default, Colly parses only successful HTTP responses. Set ParseHTTPErrorResponse  // to true to enable it.  ParseHTTPErrorResponse bool  // ID is the unique identifier of a collector  ID uint32  // DetectCharset can enable character encoding detection for non-utf8 response bodies  // without explicit charset declaration. This feature uses https://github.com/saintfish/chardet  DetectCharset bool  // RedirectHandler allows control on how a redirect will be managed  // use c.SetRedirectHandler to set this value  redirectHandler func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error  // CheckHead performs a HEAD request before every GET to pre-validate the response  CheckHead bool  // TraceHTTP enables capturing and reporting request performance for crawler tuning.  // When set to true, the Response.Trace will be filled in with an HTTPTrace object.  TraceHTTP bool  // Context is the context that will be used for HTTP requests. You can set this  // to support clean cancellation of scraping.  Context context.Context

store storage.Storage debugger debug.Debugger robotsMap map[string]*robotstxt.RobotsData htmlCallbacks []*htmlCallbackContainer xmlCallbacks []*xmlCallbackContainer requestCallbacks []RequestCallback responseCallbacks []ResponseCallback responseHeadersCallbacks []ResponseHeadersCallback errorCallbacks []ErrorCallback scrapedCallbacks []ScrapedCallback requestCount uint32 responseCount uint32 backend *httpBackend wg *sync.WaitGroup lock *sync.RWMutex}


            func (c *Collector) Init() func (c *Collector) Appengine(ctx context.Context)func (c *Collector) Visit(URL string) error func (c *Collector) HasVisited(URL string) (bool, error)func (c *Collector) HasPosted(URL string, requestData map[string]string) (bool, error)func (c *Collector) Head(URL string) errorfunc (c *Collector) Request(method, URL string, requestData io.Reader, ctx *Context, hdr http.Header) errorfunc (c *Collector) UnmarshalRequest(r []byte) (*Request, error)func (c *Collector) scrape(u, method string, depth int, requestData io.Reader, ctx *Context, hdr http.Header, checkRevisit bool) errorfunc setRequestBody(req *http.Request, body io.Reader) func (c *Collector) fetch(u, method string, depth int, requestData io.Reader, ctx *Context, hdr http.Header, req *http.Request) errorfunc (c *Collector) requestCheck(u string, parsedURL *url.URL, method string, requestData io.Reader, depth int, checkRevisit bool) error func (c *Collector) checkRobots(u *url.URL) error func (c *Collector) OnRequest(f RequestCallback){      c.requestCallbacks = make([]RequestCallback, 0, 4)}func (c *Collector) OnResponseHeaders(f ResponseHeadersCallback){       c.responseHeadersCallbacks = append(c.responseHeadersCallbacks, f)}func (c *Collector) handleOnRequest(r *Request) {  if c.debugger != nil {    c.debugger.Event(createEvent("request", r.ID, c.ID, map[string]string{      "url": r.URL.String(),    }))  }  for _, f := range c.requestCallbacks {    f(r)  }}func (c *Collector) handleOnHTML(resp *Response) error 


func (c *Collector) Visit(URL string) error {      return c.scrape(URL, "GET", 1, nil, nil, nil, true)}


 func (c *Collector) scrape(u, method string, depth int, requestData io.Reader, ctx *Context, hdr http.Header, checkRevisit bool) error{      go c.fetch(u, method, depth, requestData, ctx, hdr, req)      return c.fetch(u, method, depth, requestData, ctx, hdr, req)}


func (c *Collector) fetch(u, method string, depth int, requestData io.Reader, ctx *Context, hdr http.Header, req *http.Request) error      c.handleOnRequest(request)      c.handleOnResponseHeaders(&Response{Ctx: ctx, Request: request, StatusCode: statusCode, Headers: &headers})      err := c.handleOnError(response, err, request, ctx); err != nil       c.handleOnResponse(response)      err = c.handleOnHTML(response)      c.handleOnScraped(response)



  // RequestCallback is a type alias for OnRequest callback functionstype RequestCallback func(*Request)
// ResponseHeadersCallback is a type alias for OnResponseHeaders callback functionstype ResponseHeadersCallback func(*Response)
// ResponseCallback is a type alias for OnResponse callback functionstype ResponseCallback func(*Response)
// HTMLCallback is a type alias for OnHTML callback functionstype HTMLCallback func(*HTMLElement)
// XMLCallback is a type alias for OnXML callback functionstype XMLCallback func(*XMLElement)
// ErrorCallback is a type alias for OnError callback functionstype ErrorCallback func(*Response, error)
// ScrapedCallback is a type alias for OnScraped callback functionstype ScrapedCallback func(*Response)
// ProxyFunc is a type alias for proxy setter functions.type ProxyFunc func(*http.Request) (*url.URL, error)


  var envMap = map[string]func(*Collector, string)    ALLOWED_DOMAINS    CACHE_DIR

在爬虫初始化的过程中,运行完optionsfunc 进行设置后,会解析这些环境变量

  func NewCollector(options ...CollectorOption) *Collector      c.Init()      for _, f := range options {         f(c)      }      c.parseSettingsFromEnv()


type Context struct {  contextMap map[string]interface{}  lock       *sync.RWMutex}


type HTMLElement struct {  // Name is the name of the tag  Name       string  Text       string  attributes []html.Attribute  // Request is the request object of the element's HTML document  Request *Request  // Response is the Response object of the element's HTML document  Response *Response  // DOM is the goquery parsed DOM object of the page. DOM is relative  // to the current HTMLElement  DOM *goquery.Selection  // Index stores the position of the current element within all the elements matched by an OnHTML callback  Index int}  
func (h *HTMLElement) Attr(k string) string func (h *HTMLElement) ChildText(goquerySelector string) stringfunc (h *HTMLElement) ChildAttr(goquerySelector, attrName string) string


type httpBackend struct {  LimitRules []*LimitRule  Client     *http.Client  lock       *sync.RWMutex}
type LimitRule struct {  // DomainRegexp is a regular expression to match against domains  DomainRegexp string  // DomainGlob is a glob pattern to match against domains  DomainGlob string  // Delay is the duration to wait before creating a new request to the matching domains  Delay time.Duration  // RandomDelay is the extra randomized duration to wait added to Delay before creating a new request  RandomDelay time.Duration  // Parallelism is the number of the maximum allowed concurrent requests of the matching domains  Parallelism    int  waitChan       chan bool  compiledRegexp *regexp.Regexp  compiledGlob   glob.Glob}  
func (r *LimitRule) Match(domain string) boolfunc (h *httpBackend) Do(request *http.Request, bodySize int, checkHeadersFunc checkHeadersFunc) (*Response, error)       res, err := h.Client.Do(request)


type HTTPTrace struct {  start, connect    time.Time  ConnectDuration   time.Duration  FirstByteDuration time.Duration}


type Request struct {  // URL is the parsed URL of the HTTP request  URL *url.URL  // Headers contains the Request's HTTP headers  Headers *http.Header  // Ctx is a context between a Request and a Response  Ctx *Context  // Depth is the number of the parents of the request  Depth int  // Method is the HTTP method of the request  Method string  // Body is the request body which is used on POST/PUT requests  Body io.Reader  // ResponseCharacterencoding is the character encoding of the response body.  // Leave it blank to allow automatic character encoding of the response body.  // It is empty by default and it can be set in OnRequest callback.  ResponseCharacterEncoding string  // ID is the Unique identifier of the request  ID        uint32  collector *Collector  abort     bool  baseURL   *url.URL  // ProxyURL is the proxy address that handles the request  ProxyURL string}


type Response struct {  // StatusCode is the status code of the Response  StatusCode int  // Body is the content of the Response  Body []byte  // Ctx is a context between a Request and a Response  Ctx *Context  // Request is the Request object of the response  Request *Request  // Headers contains the Response's HTTP headers  Headers *http.Header  // Trace contains the HTTPTrace for the request. Will only be set by the  // collector if Collector.TraceHTTP is set to true.  Trace *HTTPTrace}


func UnmarshalHTML(interface{}, s *goquery.Selection, structMap map[string]string) error 


 type XMLElement struct {  // Name is the name of the tag  Name       string  Text       string  attributes interface{}  // Request is the request object of the element's HTML document  Request *Request  // Response is the Response object of the element's HTML document  Response *Response  // DOM is the DOM object of the page. DOM is relative  // to the current XMLElement and is either a html.Node or xmlquery.Node  // based on how the XMLElement was created.  DOM    interface{}  isHTML bool}  
func (h *XMLElement) ChildText(xpathQuery string) string

总结下:colly一个爬虫基本的基本素:抓取数据的任务队列,抓去结果的解析,本地的存储。可以任务爬虫是一个更复杂的http客户端,但是colly通过options func 加事件 hook的方式,抽象简化了爬虫的逻辑,用可以很方便地定义可选参数和hook任务处理,快速地实现一个爬虫。


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68700golang源码分析:爬虫colly(part II)

