关注“伴鱼”公众号开口说英语1Crapulence英文解释:sickness caused by excessive eating or drinking.中文解释:吃饱了撑的感觉。 2Dysania英文解释:the state of finding it hard getting up out of bed in the morning.中文解释:早上打死也不想起床的感觉。 3Rectal Tenesmus英文解释:feeling the urge to go to the bathroom, even though you've just emptied your bowels. 中文解释:拉屎没拉干净或者是尿不尽的感觉。 4Collywobbles英文解释:little demons that dwell in your stomach as well.中文解释:紧张害怕到肚子疼的感觉。 5Mamaihlapinatapai英文解释:two people looking at each other each hoping the other will do what both desire but neither is willing to do.中文解释:两个人有共同想法愿望又没捅破窗户纸的情况,比如:冷战时都想要和却羞于主动表达的微妙凝固的气氛 。 总结 现在有没有觉得英语也是博大精深,当你跃跃欲试想把这几个单词学起来,会发现其实你可能根本不会读,即使你会读也根本记不住,即使能记住也根本不会用,即使你会用别人也根本听不懂。总之,其实这一切并没有什么卵用。